
Lift Inspections

Full ALI Certified Lift Inspection

The full ALI* Certified Lift Inspection includes all of the following per lift:

Atlantic Auto Suppliers Inc. offers full ALI Certified Training of all lift operators as part of our inspection program. Our program consists of a 1 hour training session that includes going through the Lifting it Right Safety Manual & 30 min video outlining the operation and safety of automotive lifts. This training will be quoted separately.

Manufacturers Operating Manual

Manufacturers Operating Manual

Each lift will be provided an Operations and Maintenance Manual corresponding to the lift. As per ANSI ALO:IM all lifts are required to have the Manufacturer Installation, Operation, Inspection, & Maintenance instructions on hand with the lift


Quick Reference Guide Vehicle Lifting Points for Frame Engaging lifts. As per ANSI ALO:IM all lifts are required to have displayed on the lifts the current ALI/LP Guide as a reference for the proper spotting of vehicles on frame engaging lifts. Each guide contains the lifting points for imported and domestic vehicles made in the past 20 years.
ALI Safety Tips Card

ALI Safety Tips Card

As per ANSI ALO:IM all lifts are required to have the current ALI Safety Tips Card. The safety tips card should be displayed on the lift and used to show common safety tips to avoid an injury or accident.
130 Point Inspection Checklist

130 Point Inspection Checklist

This Checklist is based on the ANSI ALO:IM National Standard for Automotive Lift Inspection. This checklist marks each point of inspection with either a Pass, Fail or Not Applicable to mark which areas of the lift are functioning property and which areas need attention.
Inspection Certificate

Inspection Certificate

The Inspection Certificate is required by ANSO ALO:IM to display all of the lifts plate information as well as whether the lift has passed or failed inspection. Each lift will be issued an inspection certificate whether it passed or not. If the lift does not initially pass inspection but corrections are made and the lift is now considered safe and operable a new Inspection Certificate will be issued.
Cover Page & Adhesive Pouch

Cover Page & Adhesive Pouch

The cover page will be displayed with the lift and will include corresponding graphics (Ex. Audi, BMW, Cadillac, etc.), bay number, lift capacity, & table of contents. All of the previous documents will be displayed in adhesive pouch that will be place directly on the lift column or in the vicinity of the lift.
Adjust Cables (If Applicable)

Adjust Cables (If Applicable)

Cable adjustment is included in the inspection. As per ANSI ALO:IM lift cables should be properly adjusted. This is a frequent issue that occurs with automotive lifts over time. The cables will be adjusted to manufacturer’s specifications. If the cables are broken or have abrasions it will be quoted separately with the repair estimate.
Remove excessive grease and lubricate important components

Remove excessive grease and lubricate important components

As per ANSI ALO:IM all lifts are required to be clean of debris and are be properly lubricated. Often times grease build up or unlubricated components are the cause of malfunctioning lifts. We will make sure to clean excessive buildup that may affect the operation of the lift.
Torque Anchor bolts to Manufactures specifications

Torque Anchor bolts to Manufactures specifications

As per ANSI ALO:IM 5.6.214 all lifts are required to have their anchors torqued to manufacturer specifications. Anchor bolts become loose over time. Each anchor bolt will be torqued to the correct amount as specified by the manufacturer. If the anchor is broken or does not torque repair will be quoted separately in the repair estimate.
Replace all capacity stickers that may be worn or missing

Replace all capacity stickers that may be worn or missing

As per ANSI ALO:IM all lifts are required to have readable capacity stickers and labeling. Often time’s stickers are removed or fade throughout the years. We will replace any capacity stickers that are worn or missing.
Organized Binder

Organized Binder

We will provide an organized binder containing the Inspection Certificate and Inspection Checklist for each individual lift organized by bay number. This binder will allow you to quickly reference each individual lift and will help maintain inspection records throughout the years.
About Service

Atlantic Auto Suppliers has custom designed the video into Spanish for Spanish speaking mechanics. After the training is complete each mechanic will take a 25 question exam in either Spanish or English. Once the mechanic has passed the exam we will issue a certificate as well as certify on the operator training log that they have been properly trained in lift operation.

The American National Safety Standard covering vehicle lift operation, inspection and maintenance is ANSI/ALI ALOIM:2008.

This standard requires that all lifts be inspected by a qualified lift inspector at least annually.

To identify those who are “qualified” to inspect a lift, ALI launched North America’s first Lift Inspector Certification Program in October 2012.


All ALI Certified Lift Inspectors have been tested to prove they are competent to thoroughly inspect any vehicle lift to demonstrate compliance with OSHA’s General Duty Clause.